Arabic Font help


For better view of Arabic letters install Traditional Arabic Font

  • Firstly, Arabic pages have been designed for Internet Explorer on a PC (note Macintosh is not supported).  Problems are likely to arise on the Netscape browsers and on the Macintosh.

  • If you are having problems reading the Arabic letters or some letters do not appear in the correct form then this is most likely due to the Arabic fonts not being installed on your PC. 

1) Manual installation steps by download option

Please right click and select Save target as and save the file in font folder under your windows directory. Easy steps given below as:-

1. Right click in the link (Download Arabic Font) 119 kb
2. Save Target As...
3. Browse to
Windows\Fonts Folder

for Windows 95,98 and XP

or Browse to WINNT\Fonts Folder

for Windows 2000 and NT
4. Save
Refresh (or) Press F5, after Font save.

Restart your computer

2) Temporary font view

1. Right click in the link (Arabic Font) 119 kb
2. Open (do not save), then minimize the icon

3. Refresh (or) Press F5